Make Your Message Stand Out in a World of Noise
Your target customers are inundated with marketing messages, making the message they hear that much more critical.
The right quantitative research can help you determine if your messaging grabs attention and resonates with your customer when they arrive at their purchase decision.
Leverage GLG to Drive Growth
Find the Right Messaging for Your Audience
GLG’s message testing methodology provides you with early feedback from potential customers so you can launch the most effective product campaign. Insights from message testing research can help you find the language that best fits your customers, positioning you in their mind as a potentially strong business partner.
With our hypertargeted panel-sourcing approach, thoughtful and experienced partners, and network of approximately 1 million experts, you can be confident that your messages will be tested with the right B2B panel.
Develop Rigorous Research Design
Our experienced research team has built a survey methodology based on how the mind works. Messages work quickly and intuitively. As a result, GLG message testing research can help identify the preferred message or messages and understand the associations they may have for your target customers.
When engaging with marketing content, people rely on fast and automatic thinking—there is little reason or opportunity to think slowly about any given message. To drive growth, it is critical that your message is mentally available when they’re making a purchasing decision. Messages either hit the mark within seconds or never.
Gather Actionable Insights
Does your message grab the attention of customers? Does it bring to mind the right values? Will it resonate in their mind over time? With GLG’s message testing, we identify the best content to pique customers’ interest and stick in their memory.
GLG’s message testing methodology provides fast and early feedback from target customers so that you can craft the most effective product campaign. Insights will help you find the best language or key words to get noticed and be remembered as a potentially strong business partner.
Messaging for a Product Refresh
Case Study
If you want to drive growth, it is critical that your brand or product is mentally available when purchase decisions are made. Messages either hit the mark within seconds or never. How can you identify the messages that work, and those that are likely to fail?
Read how GLG helped a global industrial company elevate their product messaging to reflect a brand evolution from traditional to transformative, by designing a focused quantitative solution based on how the mind works to gather clear, actionable insights.
Concept and Message Testing
What distinguishes a product miss from a hit? Often, the answer lies in market research.
High-quality market research today bases its methods on scientific findings, particularly behavioural economics. When applied to product launches, it can prevent you from making crucial decisions in a vacuum. It’s important to challenge internal assumptions and listen to your customers. What do they want? What language will resonate with them? Concept and message testing can answer these questions and ultimately set your product launch up for success.