Analyzing an Indian Pharmaceutical’s API Manufacturing Processes

Understand Best Practices and Gain Recommendations for Future Development through Expert-Led Research


A management consulting firm working for an Indian pharmaceutical plant sought to help optimize the manufacturing plant and explore possibilities for automation.

The GLG Approach

GLG identified nine global experts who could discuss best practices in operations, maintenance, and KPIs to improve yield. In a series of consultation calls, the experts advised on how to set up an automated plant; while opining on challenges and IoT best practices at a plant level.

One of the experts worked with the consulting firm for over 25 hours to conduct a thorough analysis of the client’s processes. The expert also advised on API manufacturing operations, technology transfer, process engineering, capacity expansion, investment requirements, and potential API products to offer.


The findings from the calls and analysis included industry-level metrics that encompassed benchmarks to measure top companies, an outline of the current operation, and a new workflow.

Why GLG?

Nine pharmaceutical manufacturing experts from India, the U.S., and Europe provided insights into best practices and automation. The final analysis gave in-depth recommendations on how the client could improve processes and develop new API products.


GLG tapped into its network of approximately 1 million Network Members to find the most qualified global manufacturing experts within two days.

Thought Partnership:

GLG was able to identify the opportunity and work with the client and the GLG expert to help scope the project, its requirements, and the timelines.

Customized Solutions:

Apart from phone consultations, GLG appointed an expert for a long-term project that culminated in the presentation of the final analysis.

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