Leveraging GLG for Value Creation

What product features do customers want and what are they willing to pay for them? Understanding this requires disciplined research that combines methodology know-how and subject matter expertise.

GLG’s value-based pricing model gives you both, so you can optimize your product to fit customer preferences and the value they apply to them.

This is value creation: the optimal price your customers are willing to pay.

Industry Expertise & Sourcing

Setting the right price requires understanding how specific types of customers make buying decisions. At GLG, market experts design each project depending on your business needs, and they source B2B panelists from our proprietary network of more than 900,000 experts.

Applied Methodology

GLG leverages a suite of advanced choice-based methods to collect high-quality data. We provide a structured framework to derive the right insights from customer data, and we give precise, quantified answers to “what-if” questions.

Accelerated Activation

Typically, turning research results into business plans falls on internal stakeholders. But the process can take time. These stakeholders often don’t have the expertise they need. GLG can accelerate business planning by facilitating activation workshops led by external advisors with in-depth market knowledge.

Where Can GLG Help You Create Value?

GLG value-based pricing research helps you create and capture value at every stage of the product life cycle, from initial pricing research to product innovation and optimization.

Exploring Innovation

Prioritize features and set pricing by understanding your customers’ willingness to pay.

Go-To-Market Strategy

Create new value propositions with the right feature and price mix.

Product Optimization

Improve the marketplace competitiveness of products and prices.

Value-Based Pricing Methodology

GLG leverages conjoint analysis and discrete choice methods to help drive the value of B2B products. The survey-based method breaks a product into its components or features then tests consumer preferences for various combinations of those components.




Value-Based Pricing Challenges State-of-the-Art Pricing Methodologies Conjoint Methodologies

The Challenge of Value-Based Pricing


Check out our article for more info on the value-based pricing methodologies we use to drive value creation.


What Is Conjoint Analysis?


GLG leverages conjoint analysis to help customers create value in their B2B products and services. Learn why this tool is considered one of the most versatile methods in market research today.


State-of-the-Art Pricing Methodologies


Why value-based product and price management requires smart, customer-centric methods.


Using Conjoint Methodologies


Conjoint analysis is a key tool that GLG uses to help customers create value. Learn more about how to best leverage this methodology.

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