Welcome to Decipher

Introduction (53s)
Welcome to Decipher, a powerful tool we use to store and review survey research data.
Module 1: Project Status & Quota Monitoring (5m 28s)
A brief introduction to accessing fielding & status metrics and quota monitoring pages.
Module 2: Accessing Your Data (5m 9s)
This module focuses on navigating the default aggregate reports available on Decipher and some ways to export those aggregate reports.
Module 3: Manipulating Tables (8m 28s)
This module focuses on simple customization of aggregate tables available to users (i.e. adding means, combining answer choices & transposing data tables)
Module 4: Leveraging Comparison Groups (6m 35s)
This module focuses on how users can create aggregate reports to compare multiple sample groups in single tables (crosstabulations).
Module 5: Editing Crosstab Settings (2m 4s)
This module quickly covers the customizable crosstabulation settings available to users on Decipher.
Module 6: Building Complex Segments/Filters (5m 15s)
This module covers how to build complex conditional filtering options for your aggregate data set.  
Module 7: Raw Data Exports (4m 46s)
This module covers the most common export options for respondent-level data (raw data exports).
Thank you for learning about Decipher with us.