Market Positioning Analysis: Private Label vs. OEM in Oral Care Sector

Combining qualitative and quantitative research to gain powerful insights through precise matching of experts


A company needed to evaluate an investment in oral care private label and wanted to understand the size of the private label versus OEM industry, find the market leader, and understand consumer perceptions of existing products. This business wanted to conduct a market assessment that included market size, demand drivers, market structure, growth prospects by product type, and then identify potential acquisition targets to determine their viability as a platform. They also needed to listen to retailers and explore their thoughts on leading suppliers, key decision factors, price sensitivity and service needs.

The GLG Approach

GLG Medical & Healthcare Solutions team began by conducting desk research, reviewing secondary data to strengthen the factual foundation of the background research, including headline competitor news and websites, white papers and market reports, and industry newsletters and reports. Based on the initial findings. GLG experts were screened and invited to conduct 12 in-depth interviews with competitors’ executives and retailers, as well as a quantitative survey of 4,000 oral care consumers directly


After 7 weeks of intensive preparation, GLG Solutions team delivered a comprehensive report that summarizes the market size, growth prospects, current market leaders, and industry trends in the space, through learnings from Voice-ofCustomer, retail demand analysis, marketing plans, contract and purchase management, vendor selection and eCommerce, etc.

Why GLG?

GLG’s customized research solutions provides clients with the insights they need by precisely matching project experts with a variety of quantitative and qualitative resources for markets, brands, retailers and consumers, etc.

Precise Matching

GLG focuses on the needs of clients and selects project experts with experience in not only brand strategy, but also agency-side from McKinsey and Ogilvy, as well as practice in oral care field.

Flexible and Efficient

Focusing on key questions, we rapidly execute research projects with qualitative and quantitative methods combined, consolidating mass data and delivering a comprehensive insights report.

Let us start helping you today.

As The World’s Insight Network, GLG connects clients to the subject-matter experts who can provide real-world insights to make informed decisions. Our team of professionals work with you to create a tailored approach that identifies, assesses, and answers your questions on your timeline. We bring the power of insight to every great professional decision.

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