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GLG의 기사와 eBook은 주요 분야와 지역의 리더들을 포함하여 약 100만 명의 네트워크 멤버 중 가장 뛰어난 인사이트를 바탕으로 작성되었습니다. 또한, 사례 연구를 통해 GLG팀이 실제 문제에 어떻게 접근하고 도움이 되었는지 확인할 수 있습니다.

GLG와 함께 비즈니스에 필요한 다양한 인사이트를 확보하세요.

Hurricane and Environmental Effects on U.S. Real Estate Markets

Hurricane and Environmental Effects on U.S. Real Estate Markets

The Battle for eCommerce Payments

The Battle for eCommerce Payments

Planning a Product Launch

Planning a Product Launch

A Post-Acquisition Market Assessment in Europe

A Post-Acquisition Market Assessment in Europe

How One IT Company Broke Into the GAFA Market

How One IT Company Broke Into the GAFA Market

How Do IT Decision Makers Choose Cloud Services?

How Do IT Decision Makers Choose Cloud Services?

How Speaker Pelosi’s Drug Bill May Impact the Price of Drugs

How Speaker Pelosi’s Drug Bill May Impact the Price of Drugs

설문조사의 올바른 목적

설문조사의 올바른 목적

Winners in the Race to Electric Vehicles

Winners in the Race to Electric Vehicles

The State of AI eBook
Bright Paper

The State of AI eBook

The President That Wasn’t: The Case for Higher Response Rates

The President That Wasn’t: The Case for Higher Response Rates

The State of ESG and Responsible Investing

The State of ESG and Responsible Investing