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GLG의 기사와 eBook은 주요 분야와 지역의 리더들을 포함하여 약 100만 명의 네트워크 멤버 중 가장 뛰어난 인사이트를 바탕으로 작성되었습니다. 또한, 사례 연구를 통해 GLG팀이 실제 문제에 어떻게 접근하고 도움이 되었는지 확인할 수 있습니다.

GLG와 함께 비즈니스에 필요한 다양한 인사이트를 확보하세요.

What Does COVID-19 Say about the Future of Retail Grocery?

What Does COVID-19 Say about the Future of Retail Grocery?

The COVID-19 Pandemic Will Accelerate the Evolution of the Video Games Industry

The COVID-19 Pandemic Will Accelerate the Evolution of the Video Games Industry

Conducting a Flash Survey for Enterprise Software Diligence

Conducting a Flash Survey for Enterprise Software Diligence

GLG Survey: Most C-Suite Execs Expect the COVID-19 Recession to Have Greater Short-Term, Less Long-Term Impact than 2008 Recession

GLG Survey: Most C-Suite Execs Expect the COVID-19 Recession to Have Greater Short-Term, Less Long-Term Impact than 2008 Recession

COVID-19 Patient Impact Survey
Bright Paper

COVID-19 Patient Impact Survey

Neel Doshi: Motivation in the Time of COVID-19

Neel Doshi: Motivation in the Time of COVID-19

Eric Jaffe: Introducing Deciding Factors

Eric Jaffe: Introducing Deciding Factors

COVID-19 Economic Downturn Study
Bright Paper

COVID-19 Economic Downturn Study

Crisis Leadership: Trust & Communication

Crisis Leadership: Trust & Communication

New Therapies for Multiple Myeloma

New Therapies for Multiple Myeloma

Former Kansas Governor’s Take on the U.S. Response to COVID-19

Former Kansas Governor’s Take on the U.S. Response to COVID-19

Italy Needs Europe’s Support to Avoid Further Economic Damage due to COVID-19

Italy Needs Europe’s Support to Avoid Further Economic Damage due to COVID-19