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GLG와 함께 비즈니스에 필요한 다양한 인사이트를 확보하세요.

Auto Dealership Budget Allocation

Auto Dealership Budget Allocation

The Effects of COVID-19 Will Likely Further Cement Amazon’s Dominance in Retail

The Effects of COVID-19 Will Likely Further Cement Amazon’s Dominance in Retail

COVID-19 May Mean Opportunity for the Indian Consumer Health Industry

COVID-19 May Mean Opportunity for the Indian Consumer Health Industry

Real-Time COVID-19 Consumer Impact

Real-Time COVID-19 Consumer Impact

Slouching Toward November: Presidential Election Forecast

Slouching Toward November: Presidential Election Forecast

Dr. Michael P. Jeffries: A Global Awakening

Dr. Michael P. Jeffries: A Global Awakening

Facebook and Instagram Advertising: A Look at the Current Market

Facebook and Instagram Advertising: A Look at the Current Market

How Do Top Executives View COVID-19 Impact?

How Do Top Executives View COVID-19 Impact?

Strategies for Successful Surveys: A Handbook for Conducting Quantitiatve Research
Bright Paper

Strategies for Successful Surveys: A Handbook for Conducting Quantitiatve Research

Executive Insights on COVID-19 Summary
Bright Paper

Executive Insights on COVID-19 Summary

Executing a Double-Blind Survey of Substance Use Disorder Providers

Executing a Double-Blind Survey of Substance Use Disorder Providers

Surveying Specialized Experts in the Aerospace Industry

Surveying Specialized Experts in the Aerospace Industry