The Future of Google Search and Wearable Devices

Shashi Seth was the President of Tribune Digital Ventures until August 2014 and has worked as an executive at the premium internet brands in the world, including stints at Yahoo, Google, YouTube, and eBay. He brings a wealth of experience in internet consumer products like Search, Mail, E-commerce, and Video & User Generated Content, internet advertising, and other monetization strategies. As SVP of Connections Business Unit at Yahoo, he was responsible for Yahoo Mail, Search, Messenger, Flickr, Answers, Groups and many other products. These products are the highest user engagement drivers, and responsible for $2.4B in Ex-tac revenue.

Previously, as the Head of Monetization for YouTube/Google, he was in charge of all monetizing efforts and strategy for the site, taking YouTube from Zero to $120M. He launched new Advertising formats on YouTube, including the new In-Video Ads, Search Ads, Homepage Takeover, and Brand Channels & Engagement modules. He also led the Product Management organization focused on Web Search at Google. He is an expert in the area of web search.